California’s New Climate Action Plan


California is leading the way in environmental progress by adopting progressive environmental requirements. The state is implementing policy bans on single-use plastic, investing in electric transportation and renewable energy, and has recently announced the California Climate Action Plan which could reduce emissions by 84% by 2024. This plan calls for a transformation in industry, energy, and transportation, and a dramatic change in institutions and human behavior. To achieve this goal, the state is focusing on transportation, electricity, and buildings. New cars, trucks, and buses will be required to have zero-emissions, electricity will be required to be 100% zero-emissions by 2045, and buildings will have rooftop solar and incentives for electrical appliances. The state is also investing in offshore wind power and large solar farms. California is making a strong effort to reduce its environmental impact and is in a good position to reach its goals with the most ambitious zero-emission requirements in the world for cars, trucks, and buses; the most ambitious low-carbon fuel requirements; one of the most extensive carbon cap-and-trade programs; and the most aggressive requirements for renewable electricity. With the commitment of the people of California, the state can successfully achieve its goals and serve as an example for other states to follow.

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