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Colorado ZEV Clean Truck Standards



In April 2023, Colorado emerged as a pioneer in combating greenhouse gas emissions from medium and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs), becoming the first state in the US to adopt a zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) standard for MHDVs. This initiative highlights the state’s commitment to curbing the environmental impact of trucks, delivery vehicles, and buses, which in 2020 alone, contributed to 23% of all transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions in the US. By pushing for a transition to zero-emission vehicles, Colorado is not only poised to significantly improve air quality and public health but also foster economic growth in the clean energy sector.

The Specifics: Phasing in the Clean Truck Standard

Under Colorado’s ZEV standard, 20% of new MHDVs sold in the state must be zero-emission vehicles by 2025, rising to 30% by 2030. This encompasses all MHDVs such as trucks, buses, and vans. The standard will be rolled out in stages, allowing manufacturers enough time to innovate, produce and market zero-emission vehicles. Initially, in 2025, manufacturers can meet the standard through the sale of a mix of electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. However, by 2030, only electric vehicles will be acceptable to meet the requirement. The transformative potential of this standard is enormous, with the market for electric MHDVs projected to surge by 100% in the first year and expand tenfold by 2030.

State-wide Progress: ZEV Legislation Across the US

While Colorado takes the lead, it is not alone in its endeavor. California, Oregon, and Washington have also embraced ZEV standards for MHDVs, while several other states are considering following suit. Though the specifics of these standards differ in stringency and implementation timeline, their overarching aim remains consistent: reducing greenhouse gas emissions from MHDVs.

The Impact: Environmental and Economic Benefits of ZEVs

Shifting to zero-emission vehicles offers a plethora of advantages beyond just the environmental aspect. As the name suggests, ZEVs produce zero emissions, significantly reducing air pollution and fostering improved public health. Moreover, their operating costs are lower than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles as they do not require gasoline, making them economically beneficial in the long run. Already, industries such as public transportation and delivery services have started to incorporate ZEVs. For instance, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation boasts a fleet of electric buses, and Amazon uses electric delivery trucks in certain cities.

Conclusion: Moving Forward with Sustainable Standards

The implementation of the ZEV clean truck standard in Colorado symbolizes a significant stride towards mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from MHDVs. With expected benefits spanning enhanced air quality, public health, and economic opportunities within the clean energy industry, this standard sets an encouraging precedent. As other states follow Colorado’s lead in adopting ZEV standards, we can anticipate a substantial decrease in greenhouse gas emissions from MHDVs. Such policies will not only improve public health and air quality but also lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, pushing us towards a more sustainable future.

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